lørdag den 1. november 2014

OneWord #47 - Takeoff

"Zulu-2 is ready for takeoff, command."
"You are cleared for launch, Zulu-2. Godspeed."
The commander flipped the switch, and enough power to blow up New York sent him and his ship hurdling towards Jupiter.

torsdag den 30. oktober 2014

OneWord #46 - Gentleman

He was a gentleman, through and through. I mean, yeah, sure, he beat up women and drank too much and was an absolute bastard to everyone he met. He had nothing to offer the world. But he was a gentleman, God damn it.

søndag den 26. oktober 2014

OneWord #45 - Fishing

His hand shot out and batted a large salmon out of the river. It flew through the air and flopped wetly onto the ground, where his wife stabbed it through the neck with a stone dagger.

fredag den 24. oktober 2014

OneWord #44 - Souvenir

"That's what you brought me as a souvenir?" Lucy asked, backing away slowly. "A live king cobra?"
"His name's Rascal," Jill said brightly.

mandag den 20. oktober 2014

OneWord #43 - Steadfast

He stood as a rock, unmoving in the face of extreme opposition. His shield, thick. His sword, sharp. He held the pass for five days before the army before him broke.

101 Words - Bird

   "I'm like a biiiird," Joe Little sang under his breath, sweat running down his ruddy face as he worked at the lock. "I'll only fly awaaaay. I don't know where my soul is, I don't-"
   "Enough with the fucking Nelly Furtado!" Hissed Jimmy Big. "I pay you to pick locks, so fucking do it."
   "My therapist told me to sing when I get anxious. I get ulcers, y'know."
   "You'll get my goddamn boot in your ass," Jimmy said, veins throbbing angrily in his temples. "If you don't shut up and do your fucking job."
   Silence, momentarily.
   "...know where my home is."

lørdag den 15. marts 2014

When Meredith found out that she was pregnant with a second child, her already crumbling world collapsed around her. Even with the casualties from the war, overpopulation still held humanity in a tightening chokehold. In an effort to combat the overpopulation, the government instituted a one-child policy. If the pregnancy is discovered in time, the fetus is subject to an abortion. If not, the parent is allowed to keep the child at the price of a heavy fine. If they can't afford the fine, the child is considered government property.

Meredith could never find it in herself to have an abortion, nor did she have the money to pay the fine. In truth, only the 1% would ever see that much money in their life. So she hid the pregnancy as best she could.
Meredith Mills was a brittle sort of woman. She spoke quietly and uncertainly, afraid of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Her hands had developed a slight shake, and she bore her 40 years badly. She was thin and pallid with none of the womanly figure she had once had. She had relied on her husband to make the big decisions in their life, but when he left for the war and never came back, she was thrust violently into the role of authority. Her oldest, Ellie, had been a joy to raise. Eager to please and quick-witted, Ellie had been no burden on her mother.
"Mills, Jackson." The tinny loudspeaker blared. One the boys sitting around in the parade square got up and walked over to the general's office. A bored-looking soldier in a pristine khaki uniform let him in and closed the door behind him.